Παρασκευή 12 Ιουνίου 2020

Perm Opera and Ballet Theater will present in the broadcast of the event of the International Diagilev Festival of different years

С 12 по 21 июня Пермский театр оперы и балета представит в трансляции события Международного Дягилевского фестиваля разных лет. В программу ретроспективы вошли концерты пианистов Алексея Любимова, Антона Батагова, Люки Дебарга, ансамблей Le Poème Harmonique, Micrologus и других артистов.
Программу ретроспективы можно узнать здесь → permopera.ru/media/mediatec/92403/
Трансляции будут вестись с обновленного сайта Дягилевского фестиваля. Он работает на прежнем домене diaghilevfe...
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From June 12 to 21, the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater will present in the broadcast of the event of the International Diagilev Festival of different years. The retrospective program included concerts of pianists Alexey Lyubimov, Anton Batagova, Luke Debarga, Le Poème Harmonique, Micrologus and other artists.
The retrospective program can be found here → permopera.ru/media/mediatec/92403/

Broadcast will be carried out from the updated website of the Dyagilev Festival. It works on the same domain diaghilevfest.ru but looks different from now on. His control system has changed, which made it more stable, faster and user-friendly. Also, the new website is adapted for mobile devices.

In the near future, it will appear a systematic archive of the festival. In addition, focusing on previous years, developers took care of a new ticket sales system, which took into account the great load on the site when starting sales for events of the festival.

In addition to the website diaghilevfest.ru, the online broadcast of the retrospective will be available in the VKontakte festival group, on the YouTube channel of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, as well as in the community "My City - Perm" VKontakte.

Friends, having launched a new website of the festival, we will watch its life and take into account all the nuances of work. Therefore, we recommend that you use any of the available browsers for the first time except Safari.

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