Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου 2022

Porphyra: "The Story of Princess Anna Porphyrogenita" by Billy Chrissochos at ST. DEMETRIOS PREPARATORY SCHOOL


"The Story of Princess Anna Porphyrogenita"
A thrilling, historical, cultural journey through Music, Dance, and Theater.
The Porphyra Foundation is excited to share with you a wonderful production being put together with St. Demetrios Preparatory School for the Greater Astoria community.
Set in the year 988 AD, the Heroic Age of Basil II Emperor of Byzantium, the story chronicles Basil's sister Princess Anna Porphyrogenita and her world-rocking marriage to Grand Prince Vladimir. The show also explores Penelope Delta's incredible world, as envisioned by the great author, of Emperor Basil II's Byzantine Greek Macedonian Renaissance, his struggles, victories, and aspirations for his people and family.
Our community is getting the "Off-Broadway '' experience it deserves. This Porphyra Foundation's show has premiered in Carnegie Hall and Off-Broadway. This is a musical in the Rock Opera genre where it features Rock Guitars and Greek ethnic instruments such as the Tzoura, the Pontian Lyra, and Greek Percussion (Daouli and Dumberleki). It features school dancers, actors, a Greek Children's Choir, and Greek folk numbers from the school dance groups. The Greek American Folklore Society (GAFS) is also participating, and we have many more surprises in store. The show is open to all ages.
There is also a special tribute to Electric Guitar pioneer, Epaminondas ("Epi") Stathopoulos, of Epiphone guitar fame and the Zildjian Cymbal making family!
Most importantly, this is a Fundraiser for St. Demetrios Preparatory School and all its wonderful music, art, and dance programs, so we urge everyone to attend and bring their family and friends.
The show is running for a full weekend and there are three dates.
June 24th, Friday at 7:00 PM
June 25th, Saturday at 7:00 PM
June 26th, Sunday at 5:00 PM
Admission $35
Here is “The Story of Princess Anna Porphyrogenita” promo video:
The Cast:
Thea Gibbs
On vocals:
Elaine Tuttle as Princess Anna Porphyrogenita
Andreas Pliatsikas as Emperor Basil II
Dorit as Grand Princess Olga on vocals
Christos Alexandrou as Grand Prince Vladimir
Narrator - Despina Chrissochos
Band is:
Billy Chrissochos on guitar
Mike "Risko" Savvas on guitar and tzoura
Derek Ortiz on bass
Richard Khuzami on percussion
Tracey "Tre" Beavers on drums
Special Guest:
Dimitris Stefanidis on the Pontian Lyra
Dancers from St. Demetrios Prep:
Frida Kasimis
Konstantina Koulouriotis
Stamatoula Figetakis
Belly Dancer:
Special Guests:
Greek American Folklore Society
Dimitris Carabas - Tech crew/Dance instructor
Merkourios Moschovis - Dance instructor
Phyto Stratis -Choir Director
Petros Stassinos - Crew
Maria Karamaniolas - make up and costume/wardrobe
Evangelia Ruppaner - make up and costume/wardrobe
Nicole-Katherine Tiliakos – Greek Folk Dancer and Backstage help
Attached is the event flyer and Eventbrite online ticket info. The flyer has the QR code that if you scan with your phone it takes you directly to Eventbrite.
For Physical tickets please email Vassilios Chrissochos at vchrissochos@gmail.com or call 917-617-0597. You can also email the Dean, Mr. Stasinos at stasinos@sdprep.org.
Or Billy Chrissochos at vchrissochos@gmail.com or call 917-617-0597
Porphyra Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/1nhg7Nm8D
Vassilios “Billy” Chrissochos
Porphyra Foundation Director

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