Τρίτη 26 Ιανουαρίου 2021

MusicAeterna - Gifts of Byzantine

 Is the concept of style applicable to Byzantine architecture? Can we talk about Byzantine style in the same sense as the architecture of gothic, baroque, classicism? Are there any metropolitan, regional and individual options, which allows you to distinguish them?

This and other relevant issues will be devoted to another debate from the series ′′ Gifts of Byzantine ", which will be attended by already familiar viewers of the Laboratory of modern viewer Andrei Vinogradov (NIU HSE) and candidate of art Svetlana Maltseva (St. Petersburg State University), as well as candidate of art Anna Zakharova (MSU, State Institute of Arts).
See you on January 31 at 14:00 pm at the Radio House: https://events.musicaeterna.org/schedule
(! ) Thanks to the support of the Bank
, we turn the Radio House into a dynamic creative laboratory

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