Τρίτη 17 Μαρτίου 2015

Standing Ovation for the Great Greek pianist Theodosia Ntokou in Berliner Philharmonie

Theodosia gets the applause of the German crowd 
Berlin 7 March 2015. Standing Ovation for the Great Greek pianist Theodosia Ntokou in Berliner Philharmonie.
Theodosia with the conductor A. Tusacciu

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Divertimento in D major K. 136

Joseph Haydn
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in G major Hob. XVIII:4

Felix Mendelssohn
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in A minor.

With great success was completed the concert of the renowned pianist Theodosia Ntokou in Berliner Philharmonie last Saturday the 7th of March. Theodosia performed two concertos it was an outstanding performance with brilliant musicianship and immaculate articulation, following to a standing ovation and two anchor pieces. The conductor did a wonderful job and was in total sync with the soloist. The Berliner Camerata and its fine musicians performed at their best with many colors and true character. 
The night of the two piano concertos with renowned soloist Theodosia

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