Τρίτη 1 Ιουνίου 2021

′′ Izographer ′′ zōgráphos

 Publication about the exhibition in the newspaper ′′ Our Izograf ". May 2021 Thank you Юрий Leonov and Ольга Tikhonova (MSX Public Relations Commission)! A HUGE THANKS to Viktor Alexandrovich Glukhov and Ирина Glukhova, the entire leadership of MSH, SC MDI, the Greek Cultural Center of the city. Moscow and Теодора Yannitsi and all participants of the project Одиссея Dlya Penelopy! Thanks to Ivan Masteropulo (Ivan Masteropoulos)! Thank you Георгий Smirnov and Маргарита Kamardina for the wonderful synthesis of arts and help! Thanks to all participants of the exhibition for supporting the project!

The newspaper of the publishing house ′′ Izographer ′′ created in 1994 brings together more than one and a half thousand artists. The word ′′ Izographer ′′ (translation from Greek zōgráphos) means a painter, often previously found in Russian literary sources of the 17th century.
During the existence of the publisher, more than 100 projects, exhibitions were organized both in Moscow and abroad. Unites People's and Honored Artists of Russia, members of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow Union of Artists, International Academy of Creativity, Creative Union of Artists and more. d..., works of which are presented in private meetings, in many galleries and museums.
The publishing house was awarded with diplomas, diplomas, and was noted with gratitude from the Government of Moscow, Moscow City Duma, the Russian Academy of Arts, etc. d., received a high assessment of the work in the art circles of Russia and Moscow.

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