Τρίτη 1 Ιουνίου 2021




🟪 Ludo-tourist and creative reflections, but at the same time very operative, in the coastal areas from Arenzano and Cogoleto reach Varazze and move inland to Sassello, land of BEGUA UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK.
🟣 Interesting Ponentine reconnaissance on the assumptions of Christopher Columbus's historical origin. Let's start from Cogoleto, an important land to which with interest we turn our critical scientific gaze of deepening the development of possible new ideas that as Club for UNESCO of Genoa we will soon implement in a fascinating system and cultural tourist network around the historical figure and landscape of the world icon of the Genoese Admiral. With the COLOMBIAN INTERNATIONAL ECOMUSEUM it will be useful to define a directory that can truly value all historical assumptions while impacting at the same time, the routes of a cultural tourism that will involve and make a system with all the derivatives with which we work for a great project to enhance the heritage of the Our region declined even on an international scale.
Massimo Rogero
Club President for UNESCO of Genoa

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