Παρασκευή 2 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Harmony and cooperation for progress / Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada)

For a little over one century, there have been Greek Orthodox people in Canada. The first organized Greek Orthodox communities in Canada were in Montreal (1909) and in Toronto (1911).
The impartial historian can see that Greek people in Canada have attained great achievements. The pioneers succeeded financially, many becoming successful businessmen. They were proud to see their children grow and flourish in Canadian society. They succeeded in all areas: business and law, academics and sciences, administrators and government officials. Today, the Speaker of the Senate in Canada is Greek, the Hon. Leo Housakos; and, a Justice on the Supreme Court of Canada is also Greek, the Hon. Andromache Karakatsanis. Indeed admirable achievements!
The impartial historian, however, will have noticed certain other things as well. In our church-community life and in the life of our Greek-Canadian associations, mixed together with progress was discord and misery. In recent years, however, our church life has witnessed great progress: ecclesiastical communities, Greek Orthodox schools and retirement homes and a university-level Theological Academy.
Each of us should ask ourselves: are we pleased and satisfied with this progress? Could we have made broader and more extensive progress? We have lost many Greek and Greek Orthodox people to Canadian society? How many Greek and Greek Orthodox influence and shape Canadian society today?
The answer is that in all aspects of society, we could have done better.
It's never too late. In the stadium that we find ourselves in, if we move forward with harmony and cooperation, our progress will be apparent. We owe it to our children, to future generations, to our Greek Orthodox traditions, to God Himself. Harmony and cooperation for greater progress.
Leave the murmuring aside. Leave the jealousy and envy which devour us internally. Do you see one who is making progress? Help him to make even greater progress. You will also make progress, together with everyone else.
Pettiness, self-pity, discord, jealousy and envy are not for us. We are a wise and proud people. No people have our history. Do not sully our history with pettiness. Harmony and cooperation suit us. They will bring us great progress.
The mouth which is always giving thanks receives blessing from God.
In the heart that always shows gratitude, grace abides. -St. Isaac the Syrian

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